I'm going to start out saying that I've been having a lot of trouble lately. I'm horribly sttessed, I can barely concentrate. But I know EXACTLY what's responsible. I'll have to go back about two years, when I was pretty much a happy kid, no worries in sight. It was early morning, I had woke after a nightmare, the horrors from within my dream still pretty fresh in my head. But I was pretty used to it, because it was a recurring dream. But something felt of, as if I was being watched. I remember looking to my left, into the corner of my room and saw, well a strange figure. It seemed to be switching from a solid to a... I don't really know. I felt petrified. I couldn't move an inch. Then, after about 2 minutes, I remember a strange voice ringing through my head. It wasn't my voice, or a voice I recognised. The voice proposed a deal, But I can't remember what was in it for me. But I do remember what it wanted. I remember the voice saying "... ill do this, all give you everything you want. As long as you LET.ME.IN.". And I remember agreeing to the terms. I find it difficult to remember what happened after, apart from seeing a...well black tendrils creeping its way down my arm, toward my heart. After that, nothing. About a few days later, I started to... well become violent. Then I remember a voice sometimes in my head, I remember it calling itself Victor. I started to have violent episodes, and black outs. People started to CALL ME Victor. They said I did things that I don't even recall. Then after about 2 months of these strange happenings, they all just stopped. No more Victor. End if problems. Even my recurring dream stopped fully. But then I started noticing that my personality had changed, I was more violent, more reckless. More prone to fights. This became me. But... a weight that had been in the middle of my chest was no longer there. I never really thought about it, not until I started to read more on Demonic and Spiritual possession. And on the shadow people. It all seemed to fit. And I've also made a decision. I'm gonna try to CALL the entity, try and make it possess me again. I don't care what happens, as long as I get proof that I'm NOT crazy. If anyone has ANY advice, PLEASE reply. I don't know what else to do.
I'm sorry about the miss spellings, it was stressful writing it down.