I am a 53 year old female and started experiencing the Shadow Man (with a fedora-type hat) about ten years ago. I feel like I see him when I am going through extreme emotional lows --- when my dog died, three times the week that my son was going away to OCS (Officer Candidate School) and I was very happy and proud but very sad because my baby boy was leaving home and I am just one of those moms !! Anyways, I always am in bed and I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night to find him just standing there with in several feet from me. He disappears after second of seeing him and I usually am screaming because he scares me because I wake up and feel like a stranger has entered my house. I don't know if he would stay longer if I didn't scream because each time I have been to scared that it is a real person that has broken into my home. I wish I could be more prepared and not scream just to see if the screaming causes him to go. One time I woke up to a sound of like a humming. It felt like someone was face to face with me while I was sleeping. It did wake me and, again, I woke up screaming. I have had only five visits that I know of and, like I said, it always seems to be when I am going through a hard time. I am wondering if he is good and just wants to be there to help. I really can't talk to anyone about this because no one has seen him. My son thinks it's a nightmare because of my stress.
Last edited by dbh (12/01/2015 1:23 pm)