ok, so ill start with a bit of a backstory...
well, i was about 20 the first time i experienced any type of encounter... i was riding my bike (bmx type) and i had what i thought was an animal chasing me. Since i was out in the country i didnt think much of it. i just got my ass home asap. it was gone by then.
well, at the time i was living in my best friends (recently passed) grandmas house.... as soon as i walk through the door, HER bedroom door slams shut, as if she refused to let this creature, what ever it was, into her room.
well. i didnt stay there much longer due to other reasons but i would come visit quite frequently.
durring this time i was always partying, drinking, doing drugs all that shit. i never saw anything. but the house randomly burnt down one night about an hour after i left. luckily my friends were able to get out alive, the dogs did not.
i stayed in town for another couple of years, never having any experiences.
in 2010 i moved back to my home town. i got carried away with my drinking, far beyond the point any sane person would. well, in this alcoholic induced haze, i started to see them. every night while i was walking, they were there. id see them at work when i was sober even. i thought i was losing my damn mind.i dealt with this for almost 6 years....
back in august i moved back to the town i spent my teenage years. i moved hoping to get away from them. i thought i had made the right decision. until one night....
i was home alone, just me and the dogs. the dogs started going ape shit and i couldnt figure out why. well, about 2 minutes later they went and hid. that when i started hearing whispering outside of my windows. i thought somebody or multiple people were out side. i grabbed the pistol, went outside and found nothing. went all around the house. nobody was there.
i was in the process of disarming the pistol when i looked up and saw the exact same shadow that had been following me before i moved. all i could hear was a voice that said "shoot him" over and over.......i aimed the gun at the shadow and then it vanished. one last time i heard it. "SHOOT HIM!"
after that i was free of this "shadow". until recently.
i went to go see an ex of mine, well, her roomate convinced me to "play" with a ouija board. apparently there is a "thing" that calls itself a "wraith" that has been following me for years.... it claims to want to eat my mind.... and i really dont know what to make of it. my drinking has done nothing but get worse ever since that first night, im now bipolar, have anxiety issues and am seriously depressed. this has been 10 years now.
can anybody help?
From what I know, creatures like shadow people feed off the "weak", usually people who are emotionally "unstable", or stressed or something like that, or who are just naturally susceptible to seeing things like that. Especially a being that says it wants to feed off you. This probably isn't much help, but I think your best bet is to "fix the source, not the symptoms", by eliminating the stress in your life, if possible (maybe there's some voodoo or religious thing that works that I'm not aware of though). Your depression and anxiety is only making it stronger, that is how it is feeding off of you. But it might also be hard to get out of that when the creature itself is the one making you depressed. Sorry, I hope that helps even just a little!
I'm not totally certain I know how to get rid of it, but as far as I can tell they just plain don't get along with Jesus at all. If you can stomach reading a few hours of the bible-I recommend the new testament- they really don't like the gospel vibe at all I don't think. I don't think they like hearing about the condemnation of fallen angels or anything like that. If there is a way to get rid of them I suspect it is through transforming your body to be the temple-or host-for the holy spirit which will create a hostile environment for this unholy spirit. That at least would help I suspect, but make no mistake I think the spirit can return if you don't generally provide the environment where the holy spirit lives. I am NOT an evangelist, but have experienced both kinds of entities, or at least I suspect I have. It is interesting to note that besides the shadow people phenomena I have been able to see fiery little lights swirling around my room as I read the bible for hours on end before. They looked almost like a swarm of fireflys or little orange comets.I understand its not the most attractive solution for you, as that is a complete lifestyle change. But at least it's some kind of weapon.
Last edited by nick311 (7/23/2016 10:21 pm)
I can give some advice here but I'm having issues of my own getting rid of three of these entities right now.
In the past I have had perfect success by cleansing my house in a very particular fashion which I will describe for you below...
You will need a sage smudge stick, some salt water and a cleansed quartz crystal and some time.
1. Firstly clean your house as best you can. Having dust and clutter lying around interrupts the healthy flow of energy around the house (at least this is my experience) and can cause a buildup of negative energy in its own right without the addition of entities. Get rid of any cobwebs, dust, hoover and especially ensure any reflective surface is cleaned. That means mirrors, the television screen, shiny plastic such as the pvc on your double glazing etcetera.
2. Start at the point in your house that is furthest from the front or back door. The aim will be to move through the house, first with the sage, in such a manner that any negative entities will be systematically forced to either flee in a manner of their own choosing or forced out of the door that you have chosen as your end point. Make sure to plan your route and remember it as you will be repeating it more than once.
3. Take the sage, light it (put a bowl underneath as it WILL drop smouldering twigs onto your nice carpet otherwise!) and go to town with it. Make sure the smoke gets into EVERY SINGLE CORNER. That means the corners of the rooms, the windows, the ceiling and any dark or small nooks and crannies made by furniture or piles of books etc. Really do a thorough job. As you are doing this say the following either aloud or in your head...
"Smoke of air and fire and earth, cleanse and bless this home and hearth.
Drive away all harm and fear, only good may enter here."
(Feel free to use a different wording or write somethign of your own, maybe take something from a religious text, WHATEVER! Hell, you don't even have to say anything if you don't want to!)
Make sure to pay special attention to windows, doorways (even internal ones) and any ventilation. I usually make the sign of the pentagram (a symbol of protection and the elements) in each doorway and window just for a bit of extra oomph.
4. When you have finished your route with the sage run it under the tap and leave it in a heatproof bowl to cool down. Then take up your salt water, put the cleansed quartz crystal into the water and go back to your starting point. Dip your fingers in the water and flick the water droplets around. Once again you want to pay special attention to the doorways, windows and ventilation as well as any dark spots such as behind bookcases etcetera. Obviously you will need to be careful around electrics, for this I recommend you do not use the flick technique but simply wipe a little of the water nearby so as not to cause damage. Cover the whole house following the route you took before and repeating the chant as you go.
5. When you are finished I recommend you dispose of any remaining salt water by pouring it outside your front and back doors. Or you can just chuck it down the sink, I don't believe it matters much as it has served its purpose but chucking it outside your doors will certainly not hurt.
** As a final measure I prepare a warding oil which is made from a base oil (just sweet almond but olive oil or even sunflower oil will do for this purpose as we're not going to be massaging ourselves with it!) with five drops of Basil essential oil, five drops of Lavender, five drops of Sage. I leave a small dab of it on every reflective surface and draw the pentagram in oil on windowsills, the corner of doors and any ventillation to the house. These three oils are associated with protection and positivity. It is not neccessary to do this, but I do it because I don't see any harm in a little extra security.
If someone doesn't know how to cleanse a quartz crystal, there are several ways to do this. The methods I've had success with are:
1. Using Reiki energy to cleanse the crystal. This is the fastest way of the three options I provide.
2. Leaving the crystal buried in raw rice in a jar for a few days.
3. Leaving the crystal in direct sunlight for an entire day. This can also be done with the light of the full moon.
This has worked for me in the past several times over a period of 11 years. Until today. Ironically that's how I ended up here giving you advice on how you could get rid of them, I can't get rid of mine, hahaha!
I'll get it sorted though. I hope this helps you and maybe some other folks.
Last edited by Starfox (10/13/2016 9:08 am)
I re-read your original post and noticed that you mentioned you have mental health problems. I can relate to this, I have PTSD, OCD and a few other things myself.
There is nothing to stop you having a friend do this for you if you feel you are not able. You do not need to be in the house when it happens if it makes you nervous but I strongly recommend that, if you exit the house for the cleansing, you are cleansed before re-entering.
The fact is, if you are in the house when the cleansing takes place then it is unavoidable that you also will be cleansed by the smoke and get some of the water on yourself. If you are not there then you will not be cleansed and it must be done before you re-enter as you may simply bring the negative energy/entity right back to the house with you and re-infect the place all over again.
All that is needed is for you to be splashed with some of the water and have the smoke wafted around you. Include under your feet and above your head.