My wife and I had encounters with a shadowman/hatman back in '91 which I may share at a later time. My question is ... Have any of you ever heard of or experienced any type of symbols related to your encounter?
Well, awhile back, about 6 months ago or so, my girlfriend and I both were seeing shadowey things in our apartment. When we first moved in, a little over a year ago, we just got all of our crap into the apartment and it was august in Phoenix, so it was damn hot. We laid down in the middle of the floor with the AC blasted to cool off. My girl looked over and noticed a cross painted on our closet door made out of some sort of oil, or weird, clear-yellowy substance. It looked like it could have been made using a finger dipped in oil or something. We started looking around the apt. and found about 8 more, including one etched into our bathroom sink....thats about it for me with symbols really, but I have been seeing weird type of shit nobody else sees all my life though. My mom has too, I wrote a post awhile back on here about a couple of my experiences if you want more details. I dunno though, what the crosses could have to do with the shadow beings, unless this apt. has some negative juju going on, or we moved in succession from a catholic family or something. But who carves a cross into a sink?! creepy...
Depends, The crosses on other places besides the sink could have been where they blessed the house and portals. This is done with prayer and usually anointing the windows and doors with oils that have been blessed, usually a mineral oil.That is how we were able to disperse the shadow man in our home. As for the sink I haven't a clue.