In the last year or so I have been seeing the shadow movements out of the corner of my eye, only in the house, day or night, doesn't matter. Every now and then, I'd say maybe once in a 2-3 month period, I would wake up and be unable to move. During these times I had a great fear, and every fiber of my being told me "you need to get!!!" But I never saw anything in those moments, I only knew that I was in trouble. Last week I was asleep and having one of those "episodes" but when I finally was able to move I saw a black dot fleeing from me, and seemed to whirlpool above me close to the ceiling until it collapsed on itself and was not there. Picture pulling the drain on a sink full of water, that was as close as I can come to describing it. So was this a sign that things will be getting worse? I'm not afraid to sleep, in fact I'm rather fond of it. How frequent are most people's experiences with this sort of thing?
The amount varies so much. From people seeing shadow people clearly every day or more.. to only seeing a shadow once in a lifetime. A shadow person or other astral/etheric entity is feeding on your energy. I had that same thing for at least two years before I actually saw it. I could also often sense an "evil presence" nearby and of being watched. So you have weird dreams? Like violent, atrocity or generally hellish dreams or else kind of frustratingly demented kind of dreams.. of awful hopeless situations that seems like it will never end dreams. Dreams that wring emotions out of you? That is another way they feed off you. They also can turn up your emotions (day or night) like a dial and cause big arguments anger, depression etc. You dont necessarily see the connection until the entity and the symptoms are both gone. It can be a "chicken or egg" thing though: a bad event can make you vunerable to shadow/entity attachment (or possession) which will then create a cycle of negative emotions and behaviors. Just like normal parasites reduce the general health of thier host.
They are very amazing, interesting and show you that much of science is an evolving self-perpetuating lie. I ALMOST wish the super-evil hooded robed shadow person that I had 2 years ago would come back for one of its creepy hateful arrogant fear-feeding mind-rummaging visits. Id say thanks for the incompetance, for decisively smashing the illusion. I know it would be a tad ...displeased about being found out. At least an "oops, it saw me" kind of thing.
I sleep with a night-light now even though Im thirty something. Maybe you will need one after you see its empty black hole face or its glowing red eyes digging around in your mind, looking for something : ) Im glad my one didnt have glowing eyes. But Im guessing it was sub-red so they only appeared invisible. Although I did get rid of it before and I will again if required.
Last edited by Gordon (8/27/2015 7:00 am)
That process of "getting rid" of it does interest me, because I too am thirty something, and want to get it out of here before he/she/it sets its sights on my 11 year old son. How would I go about such a venture? Is it possible to do without creeping out my wife and son? I agree totally with the comment about science, or more importantly the smug, smarmy, ineffectual scientists driven solely for intellectual acceptance.
The dreams are crazy. I can't remember the content, but do remember feeling that I'm pressing the danger button and looking for an exit, and have that feeling for several minutes even after awake. Any help would be great, my concern is for my wife and child. To stop this before they fall prey to it.
I wrote an answer ages ago but then deleted it accidentaly. How to get rid of them and some of my freaky theories. Just the ways of getting rid of them in the "coping" section of this site are good.
Be aware of emotions especialy fear and try to be consciously in control and not controlled by emotions. You have to say that you dont agree to the entities being around you or your house, family etc and that you dont agree to give them any energy. (This is like the idea that you have to invite a vampire into your house. I think many folklore beings are based on or are these kinds of interdimensional enities). If you think they might be around tell them or think it loudly in your head. They talk telepathically on the rare times they do talk. For some reason, consent or manipulated consent-by-default or ignorance is required for these entities to parasitise you. On a larger level, we humans in general are manipulated to consent to giving away our energy in the form of money and debt which I think is ultimately paid in real emotional energy to these entities and is a big pyramid scheme with them at or near the top.
Being aware that we are actually more than the apparently physical body that we see - we obviously are emanating energy into the realm/"dimension" that they inhabit and sleep and dreams etc has something to do with this realm also, its as "real" as this reality - identifying purely as a physical body kind of cuts you off or restricts energy flow from the greater system. If you have heard the term we are cells in the body of God or the totality... Everything is fractal - as above, so below... etc. Like a cell in our body has no comprehension of what thoughts we have or the culture and planet we have, yet they are still connected and part of the whole system of a human. Cells that are not connected to the whole become cancer cells that consume resources for selfish ignorant reasons. That is kind of what we are like in the greater cosmos. That is why cities look like a skin disease on the earth.
Its also very significant that when peopIe say jesus or prayers etc.. these things retreat... if you read lots of stories on here you will see how often it works. Also other times the shadow people just are sucked into a light that appears beside them as if they are being kicked out of this reality or something. All kinds of stuff but they all have a coherance and repeated themes again and again.
I wish I knew about this stuff at a much younger age, - so many years thinking that reality is something that it is not. Your wife and son may already have seen something. When I saw a shadow person, I remembered seeing a shadowy figure at my door when I was about 3. It was more nice than nasty. But I has totally forgotten it because I thought these things dont exist and are impossible but it is actually the inverse of this. Well you dont have to go off the deep end like I have and research all the demented implications but I think its interesting and more meaningful than the version of reality we have been told.
Last edited by Gordon (9/30/2015 6:45 pm)