Those who have shadow experiences often remember being paralyzed by the ordeal. Most shadow encounters do not include the shadow being actually touching the person but it is not as rare as you think.
I remember a few times I was actually touched around the waist by 'something'. It was certainly nothing a family member would do so I would turn around to see who was there and I'd be looking at empty space. It was such a surprise because the personal contact seemed so real. And I was awake and standing in the kitchen many of the times it happened.
Only once was I slapped upon awakening from sleep. I never knew if this was part of a dream or not but it sure felt real and had me sitting up in bed swiveling my head all over the place trying to determine who did it. Again, no one in the room and door was closed. So in both cases where I had physical sensations of something there hitting or touching be, none of them included a sighting of the shadow man that I had seen before but he might have been the perpetrator.
From the archives at The Official Shadow People Archives, I could find several stories in which physical contact was part of the shadow experience.
The last one in particular unnerved me!
Sue Fowler
i am an aircraft engineer , English, living in The Netherlands. I have never experienced shadow people, but will never forget the one time, that i , or rather 2 friends, had an "incident". I was in the Royal Navy, 1987 it was and ashore renting a house with 2 guys from my Squadron. I had been out for a pizza leaving my 2 mates in the house, and when i got back in, they were both sitting on the couch, looking a bit weird/nervous, if you know what i mean? I said, whats up with you 2, and they told me, they were just sitting watching the TV and all of a sudden, the temperature dropped, and instantly, an undefined black shape, shot across the room , through the wall, and that was that. They both said to each other at the same time..what the ....was that? Never to this day found out, but whatever it was it spooked them, even to this day(we keep in touch), they still get spooked at what they saw. I heard the best description, for a shadow person."we see them as ghosts in OUR dimension. Perhaps in their dimension, they see US as ghosts"
I can sympathize with your mates. You could dismiss a dark shadow rushing across the room as a glitch of the eyesight or some distorted lighting from windows. However, accompanied by a noticeable sudden drop in temperature, easily would make one think: Whoa, something's not right here! (Not to mention that the experience was shared and can be back up.)
I think it is very possible that different dimensions over lap and for a short period of time we can see into their dimension and they can see into ours but because it requires the eyes to possess seeing in other areas of the white light spectrum beyond the physical capabilites to do so, we can only see the absence of what details make up the composition of these inter-dimesional beings. Perhaps that is why they appear black or transparent.
I have been entertained by forces my whole life,sounds, visions of people,sudden drop in temps,and the last 2 years shadowvision as i call it. noe a good description but a show none the less , now my animals have reacted to it by just watching it and thier ears pert up,, and now my first with a friend,,, he ask if i saw that, i laughed and ask him what did he see. He said it was a shadowy spectre moving from right to to behind him, kinda gave him the creeps, I started grinnning again,and reassured him that it will do you no harm.
"Those who have shadow experiences often remember being paralyzed by the ordeal."
Are you familiar with sleep paralysis?
Not sure it expalins all these experienxes, but it does explain some.
It must be some satisfaction to know you are not crazy if another person saw it too. Animals see lots of things that I can't see like specks of floating dust in the air and just watch it for minutes, so I've never been completely convinced that they see things like ghosts and shadows.
As for sleep paralysis, there is a strong connection to seeing shadow beings and awakening from sleep unable to move. Yet, some people have sleep paralysis on a regular basis and never see a shadow being but awakening to paralysis is still frightening all the same. I think in some way, the more aggressive shadow being use this part of the sleep cycle to create fear from their victim so the victim cannot act out to protect themselves when the body's nervous system is shut down. Fear is the key. The more the shadow can siphon off from the person the more ability to manifest themselves in our dimension. Just a thought.
Admin, it seems you misunderstood my post. I am not a skeptic of shadow people in general. I believe in the shadow beings. That being said, it is always wise to be skeptical of specific experiences. This is important in understanding shadow people in general, because fake experiences clearly do not give us an accurate picture of things. They are fake. Perhaps occasiolally shadow beings wake people in their sleep and they are paralyzed from fear. This is possible, but most of those (because these experiences are rare to begin with) probably come when people's sleep cycles are messed with (I'll post a link after this.) This says nothing about sanity. Most people have sleep paralysis at least one time in their life. You can be perfectly sane and have sleep paralysis. Let me give you an example to illustrate why sleep paralysis does not equal insanity.
The Sun Rises in the Morning
Is this true? No, the earth turns and you face the sun in the Morning. It has nothing to do with rising. That is a glitch in our senses, something we are unable to comprehend by just "watching." It took astronomy and mathematics to discover this. (Erasthenes of Cyrene first calculated the earth was round and got a good estimate of its circumference in 300 B.C. or so.) If you're interested in some of these glitches or limitations brain games is a fantastic show for it, that doesn't exaggerate or change the science much (unlike most science shows.) It is on National Geographic. Check it out sometime.
A good link. "Sleep researchers conclude that, in most cases, sleep paralysis is simply a sign that your body is not moving smoothly through the stages of sleep. Rarely is sleep paralysis linked to deep underlying psychiatric problems.Over the centuries, symptoms of sleep paralysis have been described in many ways and often attributed to an "evil" presence: unseen night demons in ancient times, the old hag in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and alien abductors. Almost every culture throughout history has had stories of shadowy evil creatures that terrify helpless humans at night. People have long sought explanations for this mysterious sleep-time paralysis and the accompanying feelings of terror."
This may sound weird... Maybe not considering who and where I am, I am about to tell this to hopefully get help. My eldest daughter and her daughters and their daughters have all encountered shadow people or what ever they are. My Great Grandaughter and her mother are having horrible experiences with these beings. The shadow being has been seen going into the baby's crib when she naps and when she sleeps at night. At first it was just creepy but now it is effecting the baby's health and the baby starts screaming and when her mother goes in to see what has happened she sees the baby sitting straight up and screaming while still asleep. Her mother had stated that when she first put the baby in her own room it seem wonderful but just weeks after she felt she could not go into the babys rooom with out turning on the light. What if anything can we do to help this poor baby. Her mother is having Paralysis and seeing this being over her bed and also feels it on the bed next to her. Has anyone had this experience and if so what can be done to protect them it is becoming more dominant and down right scary.
evone wrote:
This may sound weird... Maybe not considering who and where I am, I am about to tell this to hopefully get help. My eldest daughter and her daughters and their daughters have all encountered shadow people or what ever they are. My Great Grandaughter and her mother are having horrible experiences with these beings. The shadow being has been seen going into the baby's crib when she naps and when she sleeps at night. At first it was just creepy but now it is effecting the baby's health and the baby starts screaming and when her mother goes in to see what has happened she sees the baby sitting straight up and screaming while still asleep. Her mother had stated that when she first put the baby in her own room it seem wonderful but just weeks after she felt she could not go into the babys rooom with out turning on the light. What if anything can we do to help this poor baby. Her mother is having Paralysis and seeing this being over her bed and also feels it on the bed next to her. Has anyone had this experience and if so what can be done to protect them it is becoming more dominant and down right scary.
sorry to read this. I had a kind of issue in my house when child was a baby (we had a poltergist) and the same thing, it was very scary going to my daughters room though weirdly the thing (in our case it was a demon) was friends with my baby.
I suggest to find a spiritual healer or lightworker who can see and deals with interdimensional beings, they are out there (try energy healing centres) and I've had their help at times (sorry I currently know where the ones who can do this stuff are hanging out online). I got nearly fully possessed at one point (astral creaturey stuff, I had lots of them in me) and I also had a shadow hiding out in me which was removed. They can hide out in our own energy bodies and our own chakras can act like interdimensional doorways.
Us humans have a long way to go before we learn all about these things. It's a pity that we arent even researching it!
Though I'd once seen a shadow being in my bedroom.. just it's face (it was male) had formed in like a thick dark whispy mist which appeared and it fled as if it didnt want to be seen as soon as I sat up and looked at it, I'd never realised I had one in me.
One day a person who was able to interdimensionally travel herself (via like OBE or remote viewing) who I was good friends with at that point of time noticed the one in me when I complained there was something making my own energy field really dirty and discusting (I'm a psychic healer myself and could feel that, it was quite uncomfortable) and she took a look at me. I didnt know what to think when she told me I had a shadow being in me (I was open to the idea but I wasnt prepared to just believe it but what happened next convinced me). She then asked if I'd like her to remove it so of cause I said yes.
I didnt know she was going to kill it but she did and when she killed it, all this very thick energy come out of me, it was like big handfuls of thick energy was falling out of my own and the repulsion my own energy had been feeling (I'd been getting like a squirming affect in my own energy, it was horrid) it suddenly went.. turned out it was from the shadow beings presence inside of me.
Anyway to show just how little we know about these things...., when she astrally went inside of me to go and get the being, she found him in a forest within me, he was sitting on the ground sleeping with his back against a tree. She snuck up on him and put a sword through his head (and it was at that very moment I felt all his energy start to drop away from me). I know this would sounds crazy but there are dimensions within like dimensions and things cross over.
So these beings "can" actually be coming out through us from another time or place (Ive no idea how often that happens) OR hide out in us and them being there can be bad for us eg cause us sickness, affect us emotionally etc etc. Many beings feed on our negative energies and they can trigger off of to produce more of the energies they like eg fear, anger....
The shadow beings I've been told by another person who can travel interdimensionally (I used to hang out with a few who could astral travel/remote view etc easily at will) have their own world/dimension they live in. They have families like we do, children..parents.. etc . Their dimension has things like castles (the person followed one back and found he lived in a castle)... The female of their kind tends to stay at home and take care of their children and this is why the females are not usually seen by us..
Shadow beings and ghosts arent the same thing. Ghosts generally are those who have died from our world but now are in the our worlds astral plane. Shadow beings are from not here (maybe another of our planets dimenisions but just not from ours).
Take care if you are seeing this stuff when in between wake and sleep states as anyone who does lucid dreaming knows, our minds are quite capable of producing things which appear real (though we can be also more open to these other things at such a time too). Anyone who's ever had a false awakening can say just how real that dream appears.
Whether you are having a lucid dream kind of experience or a real one, I suggest to treat the shadows the same and try to remove them fro your home or space where they shouldnt be. Dont be vulnerable to them if you can stop being so. The fact the shadows try to often avoid being seen, shows they are vulnerable to us.. they do not tend to like confrontation esp with someone not scared. If they are in our astral plane and hanging out there, we can affect them via even just our thoughts.. thoughts are energy and these are energy beings in our dimension.
If I was going to catagorize what is out there..we have
- the ghosts
- the demons
- the shadow beings (though some call them a form of demon, Im not sure about that so will give them their own catagory)
- the aliens (greys, reptilains and other kinds)
the astral critters (these are like animals with intellengence like animals but not of our world though they can feed on our energy)
- astral parasites (like types of insects in the astral plane).
Last edited by sea-dove (4/16/2015 3:22 am)