I am a 55 yr old Caucasian male living in Houston, TX. I guess my experiences with these "beings" began about 30 years ago while experiencing sleep deprivation and heavy use of Cocaine. Now DO NOT go discounting me from the start. I was very active at the time reading and studying the works of Carlos Castaneda "Don Juan and The Yaqui Way of Knowledge" and as such LSD, Speed, Mushrooms, Hash, were part of my experimentation and novice research into the paranormal and SPIRITUAL things of Life.
Now I am going to use this thread to DIVULGE a tremendous amount of insight and information concerning the INTER-DIMENSIONAL SPIRITUAL entities we call "Shadow People"
TEASER ALERT: Fast Forward to October 2015, when after 25 years of marriage,a STRONG Christian Faith I embarked once again down that dark, seedy, and spooky path with the aid an "stimulus" of PURE Crystal Methamphetamine and Wha Lah....instant FUCKING Shadow People (They ALWAYS show up on day 3). After using aprox 1 1/2 ounces of Meth, smoked, snorted, eaten and almost 45 days without sleep...yea SHIT gets real weird after like 18 days without sleep. I think I got somewhere around 10-15 hrs of sleep in that 45 day span. Well I have walked right up to them looked them DEEP into their COLD FUCKING eyes...bastards are for REAL, they are what they are: Inter-dimensional spiritual entities. Some are Angels,others are Demons, NONE are Human. They Fucking look Human, most of the time....I did encounter a 7-8 ft tall Mummy looking Shit one night out by the pool and HotTub. Thing was sitting in my $1500 Lounge Swing like he owned it, so I looked at "him" walked right over to it and sat in MY freaking Lounge Swing...of course the pussy disappeared...I stated out loud that this was "my fucking swing asshole" yet as soon as I got up and walked to the HotTub which is like 20 feet away I turned to look...yea that tall bastard was back in it, so I just flipped him off, said :fuck you" and soaked in the HotTub for a while and he was gone....
It is my FIRM belief that the use of certain chemicals (drugs) enhance, open, create a pathway to experience things that for 99.9% of the world is unseen, most of the people on this site would most likely DENY the use of such aids, and that is fine with me. I am SANE, NORMAL, a Dad,a Husband, and I know what I know, because I have seen it, experienced it and I DO NOT have all the answers. The Word of God says many things about this stuff....STAY AWAY, DO NOT ENTER, RUN AWAY.....well, that just makes me want to have a "looksee", how bout U ????
I agree with you on the drug connection. Meth seems to be like catnip for them. Ive noticed theyll communicate telepathically. Hundreds around myself 24 7. At night theyre particularly visible . Strong connection to what people also call gang stalking . Seem to come out of tv