I enjoy coming back to this forum and website to read all the encounters people have with the shadow beings. It’s very surprising that the subject isn’t more exposed and researched. It’s incredible most people see the same shape and form, there must be a common thread to all these experiences. My personal belief from my visits seems to be a projection or cloaking device from other worldly beings to observe us. When the shadow beings exit with incredible speed or drop through a floor or pass through a wall would suggest a projection being controlled by something remote. Way too many people with similar experiences can’t be a coincidence? Thanks for listening.
That is a very interesting concept I hadn't thought about; that they might be remotely controlled by someone or something else. I wonder why they choose this particular shape, the black outline of a person, usually a man. I also think that no two persons might see the same vision at the same time. Some people get more details, like the actual shape but another might just see a spark or flash of light.
The shape chosen by the 'entity' is curious since many shadows are shapeshifters as well.