The frontalattack link in the original post by Admin.. that's the one which unnerves me the most. I'll share my thoughts on that one.
That day was a bad one. I recall being very depressed and sad. My husband and I had a fight earlier in the day
This raises some questions, did the energy she was carrying that day help attract it to her? or was the shadow being already hanging around her and possibly even triggering off fights between her and her husband (I believe they may be able to do this).
I thought it went away and a few moments later (eyes still tightly closed) I felt this pressure right in the center of my upper stomach. It felt like I was being crushed and my energy was being drained - I was losing consciousness. The last thing I remembered saying was simply "Jesus. By Saturday, I couldn't stand up straight. My husband and mother took me to an out-patient hospital" I don't know if I said it out loud or in my head. The very next thing I remember is walking up the next morning around 11am.
On the late afternoon of April 7, 2006, I left work early due to a high fever and a persistent pain in the upper-center of my stomach. It was in the exact location where I felt that crushing sensation some 13 days before
I personally think what may of happened there is that being actually went into her. This would cause a intense pressure and pain if it has itself at the surface of her energy body.. the human etheric layer of our energy field the one the human body is based on.. would be being pushed out of position (that pressure and pain, its what I felt when entities where being removed from me when they were brought up to the surface for removal).
And though she went to the hospital and had tests done, they didnt find anything. Well they wont as the hospital staff cant see these things. A psychic with interdimensional sight would be able to see the shadow being there inside of her and remove it. In the mean time this being is probably damaging her health as it will block her own bodies natural energy flows though the energy channels of the body (not even thinking of the other damage it could cause).
Once the being either goes deeper into her (beyond the energy layers she can feel) or just leaves.. she would of then stopped feeling it. I really hope the shadow isnt still in her.
Oh wow, thank you for all the information. As I had said in my post that you replied to, we have had things that seem normal for us, but most people have no idea what is out there. One of my granddaughters is a Crystal and when she was about 3 years old, her mom moved from my house to an apartment and my granddaughter began seeing small green skeletons and they would dance all around in her closet and on her bed. At first she was laughing at them and they had knives and spears and would fight each other. She would tell them that it wasn't nice for them to hurt each other. As time went on they started grabbing her toys and stab her doll so she started screaming and of course her mother could not see anything. We went to a metaphysical store in Phoenix,az and got a reading on her. The lady spoke to my granddaughter by telepathy and my granddaughter smiled and shook her head and the lady did the same and then spoke to us "normally" . She told us everything my granddaughter told us and she recommended a indian shaman. We did as she asked and when the shaman got to the apartment and met my granddaughter he smiled and said how powerful she was and then began the ritual to get rid of whatever was in the apartment. He told us that since she was so powerful and her light was so bright that it attracted everything. When he lit the sage for cleansing and went into my daughters closet what ever was in there put out the sage 4 times. after he was done cleansing he told us that where the apartment building was built was on indian holy ground and that it was where life and death rituals were carried out. He told us not to let her play at the little playground that was in the apartment complex as this was a very evil place. He had also told us that someone had commited suicide in there apartment and he also was still there. All seemed well for about a week then they came back with a vengence. My daughter had to move because my granddaughter was never being allowed to sleep. They came to live with us and we do have spirits but nothing evil. So as long as they were with us it was relatively normal. But where ever they move to it all begins again not the same beings but always bad or evil. Weird huh?
evone wrote:
Oh wow, thank you for all the information. As I had said in my post that you replied to, we have had things that seem normal for us, but most people have no idea what is out there. One of my granddaughters is a Crystal and when she was about 3 years old, her mom moved from my house to an apartment and my granddaughter began seeing small green skeletons and they would dance all around in her closet and on her bed. At first she was laughing at them and they had knives and spears and would fight each other. She would tell them that it wasn't nice for them to hurt each other. As time went on they started grabbing her toys and stab her doll so she started screaming and of course her mother could not see anything. We went to a metaphysical store in Phoenix,az and got a reading on her. The lady spoke to my granddaughter by telepathy and my granddaughter smiled and shook her head and the lady did the same and then spoke to us "normally" . She told us everything my granddaughter told us and she recommended a indian shaman. We did as she asked and when the shaman got to the apartment and met my granddaughter he smiled and said how powerful she was and then began the ritual to get rid of whatever was in the apartment. He told us that since she was so powerful and her light was so bright that it attracted everything. When he lit the sage for cleansing and went into my daughters closet what ever was in there put out the sage 4 times. after he was done cleansing he told us that where the apartment building was built was on indian holy ground and that it was where life and death rituals were carried out. He told us not to let her play at the little playground that was in the apartment complex as this was a very evil place. He had also told us that someone had commited suicide in there apartment and he also was still there. All seemed well for about a week then they came back with a vengence. My daughter had to move because my granddaughter was never being allowed to sleep. They came to live with us and we do have spirits but nothing evil. So as long as they were with us it was relatively normal. But where ever they move to it all begins again not the same beings but always bad or evil. Weird huh?
No not weird, well not with the history of what we've experienced here (I've also known a few telepaths over the years), they arent common but they are around. The green skeletons may not have been their true forms. I had an Nature American Shaman who lives on one of the reservations but who I used to know online try to help me too, she did remove some things but they kept coming back. (It ended up taking a whole group of people working together to end up helping me).
Smudging my house with white sage a lot wasnt enough with what I was dealing with. (I had about 19 different people try to help in the end over a few years before things were fixed). Prayers in the house didnt work, it just made things angry!
My own history and my childrens is "weird" as you put it. I remember a weird incident from when I was about 4 years old, of being in a small room with some "alien" (there may of been two of them) trying to give me and another child of my age a lesson (this is really weird, the lesson was in levitation of objects.. note I cant remember ever being able to do that though I had one weird experience as an adult where I accidently spontanously triggered off a physical object moving).
I then have no weirdness till I get to my teens and we moved house. We moved into a house in which had a ghost (a human spirit) who got interested in us children and terrifed us (3 ouf of the 4 of us sisters could see or hear him).
When I moved out of home, I unfortunately noone told me till after I was experiencing issues there, the previous tennets were Satanists and obviously brought a demon into that house. Demon just acted as a poltergist at first. I wasnt scared of demon at first unlike the ghost in the previous house as I couldnt see or hear him though I could "feel", like red glaring eyes watching me from the ceiling. Over time I become able to sense the malice and hate from him and could feel he wanted me dead.
Though I had an Egyptian demon try to kill me many years later (and almost managed), I've never come across a demon as dark (pure evil, he really felt like he was from the pits of hell) as that one in the past house of the Satanists. The two shadow beings I've experienced, pale compared to what this one felt like. I dont fear the shadows but from my own experiences Im left fearing "some" demons and the reptilians.
Things came to a head one day with this Satantic demon trying to hurt me with fire.. a huge amount of fire jumped from the fire in my fire place and unnaturally headed at me (like as if someone directed a massive fire torch blast at me from the fireplace to my lounge chair), I had to flee from where I"d been seated.
Another time the demon caused the whole room to suddenly fill up with like a thick mist or it may of been smoke (this is so many years ago I cant remember now). I just remember suddenly not being able to see well through the haze and having to almost find my way out of that room, it was like he tried to trap me there and I was feeling for the door knob to excape, so I could go and sleep down at the park again where I'd take refuge when the house/demon was being a big issue.
The demon even scared visitors, I had a 18-19 year old guy stay at my place one night, I put him into my lounge room (room where demon most was) only to have my friend in middle of night frantically banging on my bedroom door (I hadnt told him about the demon) asking to be let in, to sleep on my floor in there. He was scared out of his wits due to "something watching him" and "eyes in the celing".
When I moved again, the satanic demon got left behind in that house (I feel sorry for anyone who moved there after me!) and I had peace from these things for many years
The next house I moved too was great until my children got a bit older, my eldest female child hit puberity and with that we had goings on in the house. Both my children, spirits? tried to attack them. My eldest had a bottle of lotion I think it was, thrown at her and actually hit her in the face. My youngest had her dolls crib thrown at her, whatever it was which did that (she didnt see what did it this day), it wasnt strong enough for it throw it far enough to get to her and only managed to pick that wooden crib which was nearly as long as my arm and throw it about 1 metre in her direction (so it ended up on the end of her bed, scarying her). Scary stuff but none of that felt as scary as that demon in the other house.
Another time we were in the lounge room and watched the door handle turn. My youngest child who can see auras and who could often see human spirits (which terrified her, it was like the situation in "The sixth sense" but before this movie was made) so we ended up with many visitations and at that point of time I had no idea at all how to help her. (I tried to take her to an advanced healer who could see things but was told my daughter was carrying darkness which was attracting it to her so she said there was nothing she could do).
Some of us are like magnets to this stuff, they know when we can see and feel them and the bad beings love to scare people. Those of us like that have to learn how to protect ourselves. I can deal with most of these things but it all depends on how strong the negative being is and some I'd stay well clear of. (in my dealings I've also been called upon by others to help in possession cases, that has happened twice but I couldnt help either. I even have a strange photo of someone, a child who was possessed who I got asked to help).
My youngest child also saw strange stuff eg One day I asked her to go out and feed the cat (it was a job she did quite often). She was outside doing that when suddenly I hear her scream and she's frantically at the door trying to get back inside still making very scared noises. I went running to her. What had happened while she was out feeding the cat (it was night), she'd looked up and seen this being running down the street, it ran down the street and past our house. A being the size of a great ape with long claws and a purplish colour... she said though that it wasnt though this being which scared her. What terrifed her was the look of fright on this large beings face, he was fleeing something else and it was the fact she could see this large hairy being running was very very afraid and fleeing whatever which scared her so much. She wasnt about to hang around outside to find out what was after him.
My other child one day saw a enormous serpent/snake in the sky, brightly coloured and gliding by. That didnt scare her but when I researched it I wondered if she actually saw the rainbow serpent of australian aboriginal legends (we are in Australia).
Another time I was in my lounge room (not the satanic house but the next one) when suddenly something come in through the roof. I couldnt see if but could hear it and feel it quite clearly. I dont know if it was a dragon or what it was, it had like huge leathery wings flapping and I was being hit by the wind coming off of them and it came at me, the thing from what I could judge would of been about the same size of the room.. I fled the room, I seriously wondered if it was going to grab me and take me some where.. what on earth was a huge thing like that coming at me for??. this was an incident in which I hadnt been asleep nor was I tired, it was hours before my bed time. Too scary! (sometimes I feel relieved my psychic sight isnt too great, I think I would of had a heart attack if I could of seen that huge thing, feeling it and hearing it coming at me was bad enough).
I didnt have a lot happening when fully awake and going about my day but every now and then something very weird would happen then.. most of the experiences were at night eg finding something standing by the bed but anyway, these things are no dreams as things at times happened when we were up too).
This isnt even going into all the alien etheric implants I had to get removed too! (the Greys!!).
My opinion of the shadow beings or shadow race is they are negative beings but not as dark as some and they are far weaker then quite a few other kinds of entities. They are vulnerable.
Tell your child when she's experiencing this stuff to put one hand on her heart and face the other hand towards the being (I test all beings who appear in this way), and try to find the love within her heart while imaging "divine" light (for GOD or whatever your believes are) coming in through the top of her head/crown and project that out through the hand facing the being and project the love and light at the being at same time. I've personally found this will cause "most" negative beings to flee. (its easier to do then it sounds, just need to think of it and allow the feeling to build, if your daugher is of crystal vibration as you say this should come naturally to her)
One occassion when I did that I'd almost been tricked by a negative being, The being appeared to me as like a beautiful goddess and I'd gone to try to talk to the being but then thought "no wait, test it first" (Ive learnt to do that over the years).. so I did and when hit with the love and light, its formed instantly shifted, to my shock it turned into like a skeletal hag and fled me shrieking. Obviously what I did really hurt it. (I was shocked as I hadnt sensed anything bad about it so hadnt picked up it was a negative).
To be able to focus on the love within so one can direct it.. one should be prepared in advance and can practice doing this. Just focus on a time of ones life in which you felt overwhelmed with love or loved filled, while focused on the heart. (one can also use this to bless others and with practice one grows stronger at using this energy).
I'm yet to try this on one of the shadows as my friend removed (killed) the one she saw in me right away and when I saw the other shadow previous, it didnt hang around and fled immediately when it got seen but I'm going to assume that they are like most negative beings and that probably would work well on getting them to leave. (and if it hurts them, they may not come back, you are no longer easy prey)
Last edited by sea-dove (4/17/2015 1:59 am)
I went through sleep paralysis for an 8 year period on and off from 14 to 22. It still occasionally happens to me but very rarely. I just recently found out that Sleep Paralysis is much more common. I don't tolerate it for one second and neither should you. There is a way to stop these attacks so that you can have peace.
I am convinced that Sleep Paralysis is demonic. When I say demonic I mean demons(fallen angles), like the ones you read about in the Bible. If you call out the name of Jesus in your mind or out loud you may get relief from this. I say may because faith in Jesus Christ is an important part of getting this out of your life. I called out Jesus' name many times during the last 3 years of that 8 year period and they still came back, but every time I called out His name I got relief. So, beginning to have faith that Christ can help you is a start. When I realized that these entities had no power to harm me as a Christian but only scare me then I got my peace back for extended periods of time, and when they eventually did come back I told them to leave immediately not letting it continue any further.
These experiences drew me closer to God and helped me understand that my sin has consequences. Sin is disobedience toward God and it can invite evil stuff into our lives. By Gods grace I learned to repent of my sin, and repentance means to turn away from sin, to change your understanding about sin according do God's word, the Bible. For example, If I have evil desires, impurity, idolatry(to worship things other then God), sexual immorality, or have lustful thoughts, then that is sin in Gods eyes and disobedience toward Him. I began to understand that God's ways are right and I was in the wrong. I acknowledged God and asked Him to help me overcome my sin and I did this by placing my faith in Jesus Christ (the son of God), believing that Christ died on the cross for my sin and then came back to life proving that He has power over death and sin. I understood that the penalty for sin is death and that Christ paid the penalty for sin on the cross. Christ died for me and if you place your faith in Him then he died for your sins also, forgiving them so that you can have a relationship with God for eternity and escape eternal torment in hell. Understand that there is something much greater at stack, your eternal soul. I hope that you have relief from this suffering, but more importantly I hope you find faith in Jesus Christ and make Him the Lord of your life and chose to follow Him.
As a child I always had a Shadow Being standing at my bedroom doorway, blocking the entrance and he used to frighten me but in a strange way it felt almost as if he was there to protect me? Like he was the lesser of two evils. I have experienced the sleep paralysis also but i never put it down to being him. I always thought it was some 'other force'.
I am busy researching Shadow Beings and Djinn and I wanted to ask everybody if they had imaginary friends as children too? I am trying to see if there is a link between experiencing the paranormal like shadow beings and having imaginary friends. It seems that many children who had shadow beings visit them, also had imaginary friends and other paranormal experiences. You responses would be greatly appreciated.
I do not remember this myself but my mother said that as a 2 and 3 year old, I had a 'friend' named "Freddy" who would come out to play from my closet. I don't recall ever knowing anyone by that name and the house itself was only 10 years old. We were the second family to live in it.
I did have two paranormal events there. One was an Out of Body Experience as an infant. I thought I had floated out of the crib. The second was a recollection of a previous life as a 1930 Depression Era poverty-stricken farmer or drifter.
I am wondering if the djinn and poltergeist are one and the same type of paranormal 'event' or 'entity', just a different cultural name. Both are categorized as tricksters and shape-shifters.
Just a thought.
Very interesting, would make a great book or movie based on truth and fiction
ian cotcher wrote:
..." I said, whats up with you 2, and they told me, they were just sitting watching the TV and all of a sudden, the temperature dropped, and instantly, an undefined black shape, shot across the room , through the wall, and that was that. They both said to each other at the same time..what the ....was that? Never to this day found out, but whatever it was it spooked them, even to this day(we keep in touch), they still get spooked at what they saw. I heard the best description, for a shadow person."we see them as ghosts in OUR dimension. Perhaps in their dimension, they see US as ghosts"
On October 7, 2008, I snapped awake to the presence of a shadowy someone in our darkened master bedroom. I had retired alone as I awaken at 4:45 each morning. My wife is a "night owl" on the computer in the living room and retires much later. I remember thinking to myself that although my wife was being ever so quiet and trying very hard to not disturb my sleep, she really should turn on the bedroom light so that she does not trip over anything or stub her toes on the furniture. I propped myself on one elbow and was about to speak when the shadowy figure fled toward and through the east wall of the bedroom, knocking over a pile of paperback books in the process. The books were stacked atop a low box against the wall. That wall was seven feet from my bed. Whatever the thing was, it stepped or floated over the dog’s food and water dishes on the floor during its escape and did not disturb those very obvious obstacles. From the moment that I awoke to the tumble of the pile of books took roughly three or four seconds. The bedroom door was still closed. Raven, our aging black mongrel, her eyesight and hearing much diminished, was fast asleep in the living room, which was located at the opposite end of our home. My wife was busy on the computer and had not entered our bedroom.
Last edited by RobertGoerman (1/13/2016 10:39 am)
Whatever you do, DO NOT watch "The Babadook". okay go ahead and watch it....AWESOME!!!
I have seen Shadow Cats, Shadow Dragons, Shadow Monsters......even have watched as INVISIBLE shadow cat walked on my sheets and saw the blankets dip as it stepped on me...very COOL, kinda creepy but it's going to take way more than any of this to freak me out. i mean REALLY whats the worst that can happen....DEATH, big fucking deal. I'm 55, have stage 3 Congestive Heart Failure, AFIB, Malignant Hypertension ( that means Blood Pressure oh say 220 / 150, heart rate of generally 105, as high as 170) just had my first kinda real STROKE left eye hemorrhage outside the brain, and YES I use Crystal Meth to facilitate my research of these Shadow gobblins..onward and upward.
Now all that being said...these buggers have started messing with me in broad daylight and I have been Crystal CLEAN for over 30 days...knocking stuff off shelves...shadow cat runs right past me.... water facets turning on by themselves, doors opening.......FUN TIMES.... Honestly I DO NOT think they like me, or can barely even tolerate me, cause I ain't puttin up with ANY of their SHIT
I need help though, You see, with my years of seeing shadow people, They have never gone in my property. They have always stayed on the road. What I have realized is little white spiky head guys on my property, anyways. One night, my friend was staying over, but the white figure wasn't there. I thought nothing of it until a black shadow that looked like it was wearing a cloak came INTO MY ROOM and was about to touch my sleeping friend, when, all of a sudden the white figure popped up, and the Shadow disappeared. HELP WHAT WOULD OF HAPPENED IF IT DIDN"T? IM SO CONFUSED