I had a shadow being hiding IN ME, inside of me, which another killed (yes amazingly these though they arent physical can be killed and they actually loose like their own life essence). I've been going through the shadow stories and so far looking for it there is anyone with an incidence like my own and have found two incidences in the stories in which I personally believe the people have ended up with the shadows inside of them too. (if a person has auric damage be it from some trauma or drugs or whatever this can occur, maybe this can occur without this?? I dont know)
Anyone who thinks they have ended up in this situation with one inside you, I strongly suggest to seek out someone who does interdimensional healing or a shaman or psychic who can see these things to remove it from you (kill it or just take it out and send it packing. You will really notice a difference if you have one there and that's done).
I think this is what has happened to the person in the archives (being new it wont allow me to post links) who has the "Shadow and loosing time" story. (It wont let me cut and paste here the relevant parts of the others story). "Shadow and the loosing time" is in the third group of stories in the achives for anyone who wants to see what story there Im refering too ..
The stories poster believes the shadow entity fast forwarded time, I can say that didnt happen but rather this guy lost time so it appears to him that time fast forwarded.
Why he lost time is cause the shadow took over him, completely took over him!! His own mind went out of touch with his body when the shadow took over completely (that's what can happen when one is taken over by another being.. possessed).
The comment the shadow made to him after he punched the shadow and hurt it, the shadow said to him "You see me but I see IN you. You...can't....Seeee. " By this statement the shadow is making, the shadow knows full well that guy cant see inside of himself so the shadow knows he's safe inside the guy. The guy cant physically punch him again there and the shadow he just punched knows this!!! The shadow is mocking him but the poster didnt understand what that shadow was going to do and did.
Whether the shadow had previously possessed the guy we cant know (probably not, at this point of time I dont think shadow possession happens often) but I can see from this story this has occurred (just like I ended up with a shadow in me, I dont know though what caused the one I had to get into me, in my own case I was probably an easy target as I'd been severely psychically attacked by other entities and had auric damage for easy entry).
In this other persons story I believe from what the shadow said, that the shadow went into him (just like it vanished outside of the window and then appeared in the guys room, it suddenly vanished after it made that comment about how he cant see inside of himself so its obvious to where it went next). It probably did that to him as pay back as the guy physically punched him!!
This brings to attention a good warning.. If you are going to try to hurt them, only hurt them with energy so they know they arent safe from you ANYWHERE!! ..even if they hide out within you. Do not physically attack them as they have the advantage if you can only physically attack them and it will just make them mad and want pay back.
Better still seek the help of someone who can see them no matter where they hide if you have any strange incident such as this one. This guys story shows just how dangerous these beings can be.
I wonder if that shadow is still possessing him at times and getting a kick out of doing so (and possibly making this guys life hellish or him sick). If you get possessed by these, there arent many people around the place able to help you so do take care! I can say from my experience with something like this in me, things like reiki isnt enough to get these beings out. (I had a group of people try to reiki me and only someone who has interdimensional sight can often help).
Entities once inside, I found that things like smudging with white sage doesnt help and due to the control the other being can hold over you, you may not even be able to seek help through say a group of strong believing Christians laying hands on you and ordering the being out in Gods name and saying prayers. (that' almost sent me crazy or rather made the being soo mad and his emotions were overpowering my own and I was going to attack my friends praying over me (the being made me want to kill them and the more they prayed over me, the stronger the "i want to kill them got", I had to make out I was fine and flee or my born again christian friends would of been hurt).
To this day I dont know if it was the shadow being inside me which had that power over me to put my own friends at risk or if it was one of the other entities I had inside me as I had quite a few different beings there... but one of them was very powerful and had much influence and could overpower me.
In my own city, I've been called in to help two others in this situation since.. unfortunately I couldnt help either (one was an affected child). I really tried hard with one, called in by her husband and went out to her place in middle of night, it was scary (the being was making noises out of her and thought me and my healer friend trying to get it out was funny ) . (Any one who does energy healing, please please make sure you are safe when you do this!!! Say your protection prayers, put your protection up, do you just trust you are protected!).
Just believing you are safe doesnt necessarily make someone so.. this is how this person picked up the entity. We were doing healings at an psychic expo and we worked (there was 3 of us working together doing pranic healing) on a person with very creepy energy, full of entities and no doubt she took on a being from him. I remember the guy too well as I'd thought at the time OMG what is he carrrying. This other hadnt done prayers or any protection with me and the other, when I got concerned about this she just said she'd be okay and just believed she was safe.
I ended up having to call an ambulance as the being had taken over her and the person, and she "wasnt there" no more. She was completely gone, taken over. She didnt come too till the next day when she was in hospital. (The being didnt show itself in her tiill the next day, so we werent aware there was an issue when she left the expo, her husband had been terrified of the possession situation and left this person for over 12 hrs on a cold bathroom floor naked , she was so very cold to touch when I arrived .
For her "bodies" safety. I rang ambulance when I couldnt get it out, I spent hours warming her and trying to get the entity out of her and the thing just mocked me. (I didnt pick up the one I had from her, it was 2-3 years earlier when I'd been cleared myself so I was well aware of need for protection when doing certain things).
Anyone who is missing time due to a being in them has serious issues as this shows that the being is able to take over completely and they can loose control over their own actions or even be left unaware of the things they've done.
It took a interdimensional psychic healer to bring the shadow I had within me to my attention when I wanted to know what was wrong, why my energy was terribly poluted, it was discusting (it felt like I was a mass of squirming worms in me like my own energy was trying to get away from itself or repulsed).. she got rid of the shadow in me. It was a huge relief to feel that gone, all the creepiness in my energy went the moment she killed it.
Last edited by sea-dove (4/17/2015 6:26 am)
I have heard of shadows possessing a person. It seems that many of these 'victims' have some level of psychlogical upset such as post-traumatic stress syndrome, poor self-confidence often produce from physical and mental abuse. Even bullied children are often made targets by shadow people. Still, under all these difficult traumatic human issues, including both legal and illegal drug use, "possession" is still a very rare shadow instilled event. Before the actual possession there is years of 'oppression' where the shadow being has badgered his victim into submission and has convinced his victim there is nothing they can do to fight them off. Complete hopelessness, is a tremendously powerful thing to overcome which is why many exorcisms fail. I think your devotion to help is fantastic but what you are undertaking is an incredible responsibility. I've seen how some exorcism can go terribly wrong as a few christian back ones have resulted in the death of the victim or hospitalization of the victim AND the assistants.
I know I could never do an exorcism. Good luck to you with this arduous mission!
I'm sorry to hear your story. There is a way to get freedom from all this. Please go to this site for help-
Thanks David for the link. I went through most of the pages before I realized the site is also promoting a book on the subject. Still there is a lot of information about sleep disorder psychological components; some of which I agree with. However, the website strongly requests SP sufferers to embrace Christainity to best be successful at stopping SP and the accomodating entities that take advantage..
To each his own. The site is an interesting look but I am, personally, dissappointed at the religious bent of it.
But there is a physiological component to SP and I suggest suffers and victims alike check out medical resources on the web as well. One good site is Web MD. There are FIVE PAGE about the subject, without a lot of medical jargon and a very easy read.
It states that four out of ten people suffer from sleep paralysis and generally starts in the teen years.. Forty percent is a huge number! That it often (but not always) starts in the teen years is not surprising at all. Most of the stories received at The Official Shadow People Archives would agree with this!
Last edited by Admin (6/09/2015 4:38 pm)
Admin, Thank you for making this forum. I just wanted to clarify that the site dose promote a book, but it offers it for free in ebook form. Also, most of the info in the book is on the site. The guy that made the site is concerned for people just like me and If you asked for a copy of the book I am sure he would send it for free. Also, the science behind sleep paralysis is completely valid to an extent. However, I believe the spiritual aspect of sleep paralysis is completely separate. Let me explain what I mean.
Sleep Paralysis is a normal state of sleep that happens to everyone. A state of sleep that protects your body from moving while your mind is active in a dream, preventing you from acting out your dreams and hurting yourself. Some people however become aware of this state, meaning their mind wakes up while the body is still in the paralysis mode. This aspect of it alone is very terrifying, but once you understand how it works getting out of it becomes easier and you panic less. It can be broken by concentrating to move just a little part of your body or I personally just ask God in my mind to wake me. Unfortunately, when some people are in this state very strange things start to happen which I believe are not related to Sleep Paralysis. The mind is still in a type of dream state when you become aware, but things outside of you can start to influence what you dream and feel. I hope this clarifies things.
I get sleep paralysis still, but I don't experience the evil presence or manifestations anymore.
Last edited by David (6/10/2015 3:19 pm)