Hi, I have been experiencing shadow people for almost 3 years since my dad became sick with cancer and died. I found out my mother has seen them too. It started about 5 months before he died. I see them almost everyday now and they are becoming more solid. I saw a dark figure staring at me from behind the corner of the wall. I was just looking at my computer one night and looked up and saw a dark shadow figure at the door. It disappeared when I noticed it. I see them walking down the hall. I almost felt like I was walking into one last year. I said excuse me as I walked down the hall for sure I ran into someone. It was a black mass so thick I could not see my hand in front of me. They do not frighten me that much but It does scare me a little. I want to know why they are here. I have not ever had anything like this until my dad became sick. I also had a weird lucid dream were a man in a hat with 3 other people were at my bedroom door. They asked if they could come in and I said NO! I told them to go away and never come back. I then woke up in a sweat and jumped out of bed. Why is this happening? My mother sees these things too.
Last edited by georgiagirl72 (7/05/2016 3:00 pm)